Must read tips for Partner Visa
You are in love, you want to live in Australia, you think you know how to apply for the visa but you are also scared.
You have many good reasons to take this application seriously: your application for a partner visa can be refused if you don't do it right, even if you are a genuine couple. Be ready, be organised, and do not hesitate to ask a professional if you have any doubts.

Partner Visa Tip 1
Many of our clients ask the following: “Do we have to be married when we apply for a partner visa?”
The answer is NO. How good is it, that you are about to live in such a socially progressive country, that accepts different expressions of commitment between people, regardless of their race, religion or gender?!
Of course, in order to apply for a partner visa you must be in a long term committed relationship with your Australian partner. Even when you are married, it is NOT enough to show only a marriage certificate. If you cannot convince the case officer that your relationship is genuine, the application will be refused and it will take you a lot longer, and a lot more $$$ before you can be a permanent resident in Australia.
If you wonder how can you demonstrate your commitment to each other in your partner visa application, contact us.
Partner visa tip 2

So here is something that a lot of people don’t know: there is a chance that the case officer will check your social media accounts.
Does it mean that you have to have a Facebook account / use another platform? Not at all.
It does mean, however, that you must ensure that the personal information you post on your social media accounts are consistent with the information you provide with your application for a Partner Visa. It is OK if you say nothing about having a partner, but it may NOT be okay if you write on your relationship status that you are “in an open relationship”.
Social media accounts are not the only way to demonstrate the social aspects of your relationship.
Contact us for more advice!
Partner visa tip 3

You probably know by now that every person applying for an Australian visa needs to be of a good character, but did you know that when you apply for a Partner Visa your Australian partner also needs to declare their criminal record?
When you apply for a partner visa, you and your children (if they are over the age of 16) need to provide police check/s and military service documents if relevant. In some cases, you also need to provide a lot more personal information such as residential addresses, education and employment history.
Your sponsor also needs to provide police check/s and military service documents. It does not mean necessarily that if your sponsor has criminal record you won’t be able to get the visa, but you should know that there are circumstances that may affect his or her eligibility to sponsor you.
If you are worried, contact us for advice
Partner visa tip 4
How closely did you read the "Partner visa declarations" you signed when you lodged your visa application? If you have not applied yet, are you aware of what you are about to declare?
Please read it again now. CAREFULLY.
Why is it so important?
That's because you must be aware of what you agreed to, and you must be prepared in case you need to answer some questions.
Today we will focus on the second declaration, the one that says:

Did you tick the box next to this one, or are you going to? No doubt.
By doing so, you are permitting the Department of Home Affairs to dig into your bank, credit and internet accounts, to name just a few.
What will they be looking for? They are likely to look for evidence to support, or perhaps contradict, your claims.
Is there any reason to worry???
If you provided only correct information in your application, and you have a good reason for whatever the Department might find about you, you should have no reason to hit the panic button.
If you are worried, contact us for advice.